Understanding and Addressing Your Employees’ Execution Gaps  

Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ET

>> This is a Virtual Meeting Event Via Zoom <<


Execs In The Know invites you to join us for an exclusive and highly interactive virtual Executive Roundtable discussing, “Understanding and Addressing Your Employees’ Execution Gaps” on April 4, 2023, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM ET.  

As a result of the recent work-from-home trend, it has become harder to know what your employees are doing during their workday. In particular, it has become increasingly difficult to know the answers to questions like: where do my employees struggle, where might they need assistance, or how can we help them improve their effectiveness. If you are lacking these insights, how can you empower your employees to improve their performance and engagement, and be the best they can be? 

We invite you to join us for a Virtual Executive Roundtable along with thought leaders from NICE, including David Taliancich, Vice President Solutions Sales, and Maor Revah, Director GTM Strategy and Presales. Together with your corporate peers, we will be discussing “Understanding and Addressing Your Employees’ Execution Gaps.” 

We’ll discuss topics such as:  

  • Tools/methods for continuously uncovering process and employee improvement opportunities   
  • New approaches for assisting contact center agents in performing at their best  
  • The impact that insights and tools can have on the customer experience 

In this small, intimate gathering, hear directly from our subject matter experts, brainstorm and collaborate with your peers, learn from and share with other leaders facing similar challenges, and ask questions. We hope you can join us as we collectively explore the available tools and practices for creating a transparent employee environment that can surface the processes and domains where you can make an impact on your agent performance and ultimately the customer experience. 

When you register, you’ll have the opportunity to share which topics are top of mind for you, which will help shape the conversation.   

Moderators & Hosts

Maor Revah
Maor Revah
Director GTM Strategy and Presales

David Taliancich
David Taliancich
Vice President Solutions Sales

Chad McDaniel
Chad McDaniel
Execs In The Know
Co-Founder & President

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